Graz vs Duchess (W) Prediction 23 March 2024

UBI Graz (W)
UBI Graz (W)
Duchess (W)
Duchess (W)

Match Preview

🔊An accurate prediction for the confrontation between the teams UBI Graz (W) and Duchess (W). The confrontation will take place 23 March at 19:15. Considering all the statistics for the teams, we can conclude, that the match is awaited to be spectacular. Anyway, you can see our prediction just below.

Personal meetings of the opponents

📊We aim to consolidate all relevant data in one spot. To date, the teams have squared off in 51 games: the home team today boasts 16 victories, whereas the visiting team has secured 35 wins.

🏀And the points? The UBI Graz (W) squad has entertained their supporters by netting 2721 points, while the Duchess (W) team has put up 3249 points.

🏁It's worth mentioning that their latest confrontation occurred on 21 March 2024, with the Duchess (W) team hosting, and the game concluded with a score of 61:63.

UBI Graz (W) Review

A more detailed analysis of the last 10 matches of the basketball home team reflects the following: 7 wins and 3 losses, with 663 scored points and an average of 57.7 points conceded per match. The average score made at home is 66.3.

Duchess (W) Review

The away team has achieved 9 victories and 1 defeats in the last 10 games, scoring 817 points and conceding an average of 51.8 points per match. The average number of points scored by the visitors over 10 matches is 81.7.
✅The pre-match layout is quite interesting, with the odds being for the home team's victory and for the away team's win, which are quite attractive. We are confident that both teams, UBI Graz (W) and Duchess (W), will put up a serious fight, so after conducting additional analysis, we see the greatest potential in the bet 'Total points Under(178.5)', considering the circumstances of the match - it's a safe and profitable bet.

Bet on Match UBI Graz (W) vs Duchess (W): Total points Under(178.5)

Odds: 1.85

Betting Tips: UBI Graz (W) - Duchess (W)

This block presents statistical data on the teams UBI Graz (W) and Duchess (W), derived from analyzing their latest matches.

Results predictions

Duchess (W)Duchess (W) has won in 22 of the last 23 Superliga, Women away games.
Duchess (W)Duchess (W) has won in 48 of the last 50 Superliga, Women games.
Duchess (W) Win (inc. OT)
UBI Graz (W)UBI Graz (W) has won with +12.5 points handicap in 14 of the last 15 games.
UBI Graz (W) Handicap(+12.5)
UBI Graz (W)UBI Graz (W) has won with +8.5 points handicap in 10 of the last 11 home games.
UBI Graz (W) Handicap(+8.5)
Duchess (W)Duchess (W) has won with -10.5 points handicap in 14 of the last 16 games.
Duchess (W) Handicap(-10.5)
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