Rangers de Talca
L. Altamirano45+2'
L. Altamirano47'
Union San Felipe
J. Pineda18'

Rangers de Talca vs Union San Felipe Prediction 18 July 2022

Match Preview

Rangers de Talca vs Union San Felipe prediction. This football match is scheduled to start at 18 July at 22:00. There is no doubt that this match will be eventful. And we will try to figure out which bet option is preferable, and we will support our reasoning with the analysis of the latest statistical data.


The teams held 21 matches between themselves, in which Rangers de Talca left the field as the winner 8, while Union San Felipe celebrated success in 7 matches, as well as in 6 games, the teams could not identify the strongest and the meetings ended in a draw. The last head to head confrontation between them took place on 28 April 2024 and it ended with the score 1:0. The statistics of goals scored and conceded indicates the following results: 26-28. Let's start exploring the current command forms.

Rangers de Talca Review

Being among the leaders of Primera B after <number_tours> matches is not a bad achievement, since in general this tournament is very competitive. CSD Rangers having won 9, having drawn 3 matches and having suffered 6 defeats, take the 4 position in the championship with 30 scored points. They play very active home games, scoring on average 1.6 goals per game. At the same time, they are most dangerous with 76-90 minutes, because they managed to score 7 a ball. Let's see if they can confirm their stats in this match.

Union San Felipe Review

leaves a bright impressionUnion San Felipe . They occupy the 3 line in the table with the 36 scored points after the 18. Good performance - 1.3 goals per match and reliable defense - 0.7 goals per match allowed us to win 10 wins, 6 ended in a draw and lost 2 matches. Plus, their attack is especially dangerous from 60-75 minute of the match. During this segment they have scored 7 goals. The club has more than enough reasons for optimism before the upcoming match.
Let's summarize all of the above. Football clubs teams.0.name_localzed and teams.1.name_localzed clearly do not intend to just give points to their opponent. And this only plays into the hands of football fans. Tk such matches are filled with intrigue and unexpected outcomes, and to make watching the match more interesting, we analyzed a large amount of statistics from clubs and prepared an interesting option for a bet:

Bet on Match Rangers de Talca vs Union San Felipe: Total goals Over(2.5)

Odds: 2.13*
*The odds are relevant at the time of publication of the prediction (16 July 2022, 23:35)
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