Braga vs Vizela Prediction 18 September 2022

Match Preview

Braga vs Vizela prediction. This match is scheduled to start at 18 September at 19:30. There is no doubt that this match will be eventful. And we will try to figure out which bet option is preferable, and we will support our reasoning with the analysis of the latest statistical data.

Personal meetings of the opponents

The last time the teams met each other at 20 April 2024, that match ended with the score 0:1. In general, the number of head to head matches is 4, in which Braga won 3, and Vizela was the triumph of 1. Also, the history of personal meetings speaks of 0 draws. Also, you cannot ignore the difference between goals scored and conceded, which is equal to 9-5. Let's take a look at how the teams performed in their last matches.

Braga Review

in the current draw Primeira Liga Braga have played 6 matches in the current draw. They performed them quite steadily: 5 wins, 1 draws and 0 defeats, so this team fully justifies its being in the 2 place in the table. As a rule, in home matches, they are most dangerous with 0-15 minute, it was during this period that they scored the 5 goals. In general, at home they score on average 3 goals per match. Very good statistics before the upcoming game, we will soon find out if they can confirm it.

Vizela Review

Primeira Liga Vizela will enter the next round as the main loser of the season, since after 6 matches it takes the 13 place in the table. So far this team has only managed to earn 5 points. The numbers 3 in the defeats graph 1 wins, 2 draws clearly does not inspire much optimism. If you look at the statistics of goals scored and conceded, it becomes clear why they scored so few points: 0.8 - 1.2 goals per game, respectively. Let's see if the club will manage to somehow rectify the situation, although it is hard to believe in this, to be honest, so far.
Thanks to the analysis of the statistics of the teams, we have identified both the strengths and weaknesses of the teams, and based on these data, we expect a rather bright, eventful, full of struggle match. It is extremely difficult to find the right bet for such games, as clubs can always create some kind of sensation. But we have selected one bet that is likely to be successful:

Bet on Match Braga vs Vizela: Vizela Total goals Under(0.5)

Odds: 2.04

Betting Tips: Braga - Vizela

This block presents the statistical pattern Braga and Vizela based on the latest games. This allows the user to find out the most likely outcomes in a match.

Results predictions

BragaBraga has not lost in 13 of the last 14 home games.
BragaBraga has not lost in 12 of the last 13 games.
VizelaVizela has not won in 8 of the last 9 games.
Braga will not lose
BragaBraga has won in 7 of the last 8 home games.
BragaBraga has won in each of their last 7 games.
Braga Win

Over/Under predictions

BragaBraga has scored in each of their last 8 home games.
BragaBraga has scored in 18 of the last 19 games.
VizelaVizela has conceded in 15 of the last 16 away games.
VizelaVizela has conceded in 24 of the last 25 games.
Braga Total goals Over(0.5)
BragaBraga scored in the 2nd half in each of their last 6 home games.
BragaBraga scored in the 2nd half in each of their last 8 games.
2 Half, Braga Total goals Over(0.5)
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