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Jianu vs Agwi Prediction 4 May 2024

Filip Cristian Jianu
Michael Agwi

Match Preview

🔊Filip Cristian Jianu - Michael Agwi, 4 May, ITF Turkey F17. Filip Cristian Jianu vs Michael Agwi prediction. On 4 May, we can expect a tense showdown within the confines of ITF Turkey F17. The most important information has been gathered and is ready for your review and usage in this future event.

Personal meetings of the opponents

❓This is the first time these tennis players have met. As a result, we strongly recommend that you familiarise yourself with the personal results of Filip Cristian Jianu and Michael Agwi. This will heighten the intrigue factor even further, given there is no prior history between the two players.

Filip Cristian Jianu: statistics of the last 10 matches

🎾Player statistics over the last 10 matches: 7 victories and 3 defeats. Over their last ten matches, they won the first set 7 times, but lost it 3 times.

📈In terms of games, statistics show 21.6 played over the past 10 matches with 12.7 in overall wins and 5.5 wins in the first game.

📊The amount of 2-0 and 2-1 victories and defeats across the past 10 matches:

The number of winning matches: 2-0 - 4 matches with a win percentage of 57.1%; 2-1 - 3 wins with 42.9% as a win percentage.

The number of lost matches: 2-0 - 2 matches with a lost percentage of 66.7%; 2-1 - 1 matches with a 33.3% lose percentage.

Filip Cristian Jianu: statistics for 365 days

🎾The player's statistics for 365 days:

Over the past 365 days, the player played 108 matches. The number of wins was 79 while the number of losses amounted to 29. The percentage of wins is 73.2%. In the first set, they managed to win 76 times but lost 32 times and the percentage of wins is 70.4%.

📈The amount of games played over the past 108 matches is 20.6. Winning an average of 12.2 games and 5.5 in the first game.

📊An interesting statistic is the amount of 2-0 and 2-1 triumphs and losses over the previous 365 days.

Amount of winning matches: 2-0 - 62 wins with a win percentage of 78.5%; 2-1 - 17 wins with percentage of 21.5%.

Amount of lost matches: 2-0 - 17 losses with 58.6% as a loss percentage; 2-1 - 12 losses with a loss percentage of 41.4%.

Michael Agwi: statistics of the last 10 matches

Player statistics over the last 10 matches: 9 victories and 1 defeats. Over their last ten matches, they won the first set 8 times, but lost it 2 times.

In terms of games, statistics show 22.1 played over the past 10 matches with 13.5 in overall wins and 5.7 wins in the first game.

The amount of 2-0 and 2-1 victories and defeats across the past 10 matches:

The number of winning matches: 2-0 - 7 matches with a win percentage of 77.8%; 2-1 - 2 wins with 22.2% as a win percentage.

The number of lost matches: 2-0 - 0 matches with a lost percentage of 0%; 2-1 - 1 matches with a 100% lose percentage.

Michael Agwi: statistics for 365 days

The player's statistics for 365 days:

Over the past 365 days, the player played 68 matches. The number of wins was 50 while the number of losses amounted to 18. The percentage of wins is 73.5%. In the first set, they managed to win 46 times but lost 22 times and the percentage of wins is 67.7%.

The amount of games played over the past 68 matches is 20.9. Winning an average of 12.1 games and 5.3 in the first game.

An interesting statistic is the amount of 2-0 and 2-1 triumphs and losses over the previous 365 days.

Amount of winning matches: 2-0 - 42 wins with a win percentage of 84%; 2-1 - 8 wins with percentage of 16%.

Amount of lost matches: 2-0 - 13 losses with 72.2% as a loss percentage; 2-1 - 5 losses with a loss percentage of 27.8%.

✅Filip Cristian Jianu and Michael Agwi will be a highly anticipated tennis match in the near future. All of this data is available to you so that you can draw a conclusion about what outcome to choose. We wish you the best of luck with your bets.

Bet on Match Filip Cristian Jianu vs Michael Agwi: Michael Agwi Win

Odds: 1.87*
*The odds are relevant at the time of publication of the prediction (3 May 2024, 14:28)

Betting Tips: Filip Cristian Jianu - Michael Agwi

Results predictions

Michael Agwi wins with +1.5 set handicap in 22 of the last 23 matches.
Michael Agwi Sets Handicap(+1.5)
Michael Agwi has won in the last 8 matches.
Michael Agwi Win
Michael Agwi has won the 1st set in 8 of the last 9 matches.
1st Set Michael Agwi Win
Michael Agwi has won the 2nd set in the last 8 matches.
2nd Set Michael Agwi Win
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