Red clay
Mayar Sherif
WTA - 58
Katerina Siniakova
WTA - 45

Sherif vs Siniakova Prediction 5 May 2024

Mayar Sherif
Katerina Siniakova

Match Preview

🔊Mayar Sherif - Katerina Siniakova, 5 May, WTA Lleida. Mayar Sherif vs Katerina Siniakova prediction. On 5 May, we can expect a tense showdown within the confines of WTA Lleida. The most important information has been gathered and is ready for your review and usage in this future event.

Personal meetings of the opponents

❓These tennis players won't have competed against one another before. As a result, we strongly suggest that you acquire a comprehensive understanding of the individual results of the players Mayar Sherif and Katerina Siniakova. The fact that there is no background to this confrontation adds to the drama and intrigue of the event.

Mayar Sherif: statistics of the last 10 matches

🎾Player statistics over the last 10 matches: 6 victories and 4 defeats. Over their last ten matches, they won the first set 5 times, but lost it 5 times.

📈In terms of games, statistics show 21.8 played over the past 10 matches with 11.3 in overall wins and 4.3 wins in the first game.

📊The amount of 2-0 and 2-1 victories and defeats across the past 10 matches:

The number of winning matches:

  • 2-0 - 3 matches with a win percentage of 50%;
  • 2-1 - 3 wins with 50% as a win percentage.

The number of lost matches:

  • 2-0 - 3 matches with a lost percentage of 75%;
  • 2-1 - 1 matches with a 25% lose percentage.

Mayar Sherif: statistics for 365 days

🎾It is also very important to note the player's statistics over 365 days.

The player participated in 45 matches over the past 365 days. Indeed, the number of wins over the past 365 days amounted to 25 while the number of defeats was 20. In turn, the percentage of wins over the past 365 days is 55.6%. Victories in the first set amounted to 26 while losses were 19 in the first set, respectively. Win percentage of 57.8.

📈We advise taking into account the statistics of the number of sets and games played over the past 365 days.

There were 45 matches played over the past 22.2. An average of 11.7 matches were won with 5 in the first game only. 

📊An important statistic is also the number of victories and defeats with scores of 2-0 and 2-1 respectively over the past 365 days.

Amount of winning matches:

  • 2-0 - 18 wins with a win percentage of 72.
  • 2-1 - 7 wins with percentage of 28%.

Amount of lost matches:

  • 2-0 - 11 losses with 55% as a loss percentage.
  • 2-1 - 9 losses with 45% as the accompanying percentage.

Katerina Siniakova: statistics of the last 10 matches

The previous 10 matches for this participant ended in 7 victories and 3. In the first set, he won 6 times while 4 times, his opponent emerged victorious.

Over the same 10 matches, an average score of 20.5 was achieved. 11.6 was the average number of games won in a match and 4.7 was the number of wins in the first game.

Also, make sure to consider the number of wins and losses with a score of 2-0 and 2-1 over the past 10 matches.

The number of winning matches:

  • 2-0 - 6 matches with a win percentage of 85.7%;
  • 2-1 - 1 wins with 14.3% as a win percentage.

The number of lost matches:

  • 2-0 - 1 matches with a lost percentage of 33.3%;
  • 2-1 - 2 matches with a lost percentage of 66.7%.

Katerina Siniakova: statistics for 365 days

It is also very important to note the player's statistics over 365 days.

The player participated in 51 matches over the past 365 days. Indeed, the number of wins over the past 365 days amounted to 30 while the number of defeats was 21. In turn, the percentage of wins over the past 365 days is 58.8%. Victories in the first set amounted to 30 while losses were 21 in the first set, respectively. Win percentage of 58.8

We advise taking into account the statistics of the number of sets and games played over the past 365 days.

There were 51 matches played over the past 21.5. An average of 11.3 matches were won with 5 in the first game only. 

An important statistic is also the number of victories and defeats with scores of 2-0 and 2-1 respectively over the past 365 days.

Amount of winning matches:

  • 2-0 - 25 wins with a win percentage of 83.3;
  • 2-1 - 5 wins with percentage of 16.7%.

Amount of lost matches:

  • 2-0 - 12 losses with 57.1% as a loss percentage;
  • 2-1 - 9 losses with 42.9% as the accompanying percentage.
✅Mayar Sherif (), Katerina Siniakova () - these are the odds for today's competitors provided by the bookmakers. It will be very interesting to watch the course of the meeting, but considering our experience and the statistics mentioned above, we still prefer the bet '2nd Set Katerina Siniakova Win' as the most promising due to its high odds and good chances of winning.

Bet on Match Mayar Sherif vs Katerina Siniakova: 2nd Set Katerina Siniakova Win

Odds: 1.64*
*The odds are relevant at the time of publication of the prediction (4 May 2024, 14:28)

Betting Tips: Mayar Sherif - Katerina Siniakova

Results predictions

Single series
sherif-mayarMayar Sherif wins with +4.5 game handicap in 6 of the last 7 matches.
Mayar Sherif Handicap(+4.5)
siniakova-katerinaKaterina Siniakova has won the 2nd set in the last 4 WTA Lleida matches.
2nd Set Katerina Siniakova Win

Over/Under predictions

Single series
siniakova-katerinaKaterina Siniakova wins under 12.5 games in 6 of the last 7 matches.
Katerina Siniakova Total Under(12.5)
siniakova-katerinaThere have been under 23.5 games in the last 6 Katerina Siniakova games.
Total Under(23.5)
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