Red clay
Qualifying Round 1
Thiago Agustin Tirante
ATP - 123
Facundo Bagnis
ATP - 242

Tirante vs Bagnis Prediction 6 May 2024

Thiago Agustin Tirante
Facundo Bagnis

Match Preview

🔊Thiago Agustin Tirante - Facundo Bagnis, 6 May, ATP Rome. Thiago Agustin Tirante vs Facundo Bagnis prediction. Thiago Agustin Tirante will play against Facundo Bagnis of ATP Rome on 6 May. if you are interested in this confrontation, then for your convenience, all the most useful information that you can study is collected below.

Personal meetings of the opponents

🎾Check out the prediction for Thiago Agustin Tirante - Facundo Bagnis and get acquainted with the details of the match. Thiago Agustin Tirante and Facundo Bagnis have played 5 matches over their entire careers: 1 has won Thiago Agustin Tirante, and 4 has won Facundo Bagnis matches.

📈These teams last met on 04 February 2024 within the tournament ATP Cordoba, Facundo Bagnis won with a score of 0:2 (6:7; 3:6).

📊On average, their matches take place over 2.4 sets and 24.2 games. As an average, the team Thiago Agustin Tirante wins 0.4 sets and 11 games, while Facundo Bagnis is stronger in 0.5 sets and 13.2 games.

Thiago Agustin Tirante: statistics of the last 10 matches

🎾Player statistics over the last 10 matches: 6 victories and 4 defeats. Over their last ten matches, they won the first set 7 times, but lost it 3 times.

📈In terms of games, statistics show 20.7 played over the past 10 matches with 11.1 in overall wins and 5.5 wins in the first game.

📊The amount of 2-0 and 2-1 victories and defeats across the past 10 matches:

The number of winning matches:

  • 2-0 - 6 matches with a win percentage of 100%;
  • 2-1 - 0 wins with 0% as a win percentage.

The number of lost matches:

  • 2-0 - 3 matches with a lost percentage of 75%;
  • 2-1 - 1 matches with a 25% lose percentage.

Thiago Agustin Tirante: statistics for 365 days

🎾The player’s form over 365 days:

This player played 66 matches over the past 365 days. The stats show 38 wins, 28 losses and the win percentage is 57.6%. The wins in the first set is 42 times and lost it 24 times with a win percentage of 63.6%.

📈The number of games played over the past 66 matches is 22.7 games with 5.2 wins in the first game alone.

📊Number of winning matches:

  • 2-0 - 30 wins with a win percentage of 78.9;
  • 2-1 - 7 wins with percentage of 18.4%.

Amount of lost matches:

  • 2-0 - 14 losses with 50% as a loss percentage;
  • 2-1 - 13 losses with a percentage of 46.4%.

In other matches the score was other.

Facundo Bagnis: statistics of the last 10 matches

The previous 10 matches for this participant ended in 7 victories and 3. In the first set, he won 6 times while 4 times, his opponent emerged victorious.

Over the same 10 matches, an average score of 23.8 was achieved. 12.3 was the average number of games won in a match and 5.1 was the number of wins in the first game.

Also, make sure to consider the number of wins and losses with a score of 2-0 and 2-1 over the past 10 matches.

The number of winning matches:

  • 2-0 - 3 matches with a win percentage of 42.9%;
  • 2-1 - 4 wins with 57.1% as a win percentage.

The number of lost matches:

  • 2-0 - 2 matches with a lost percentage of 66.7%;
  • 2-1 - 1 matches with a lost percentage of 33.3%.

Facundo Bagnis: statistics for 365 days

The player’s form over 365 days:

This player played 66 matches over the past 365 days. The stats show 43 wins, 23 losses and the win percentage is 65.2%. The wins in the first set is 38 times and lost it 28 times with a win percentage of 57.6%.

The number of games played over the past 66 matches is 22.7 games with 5.2 wins in the first game alone.

Number of winning matches:

  • 2-0 - 26 wins with a win percentage of 60.5;
  • 2-1 - 17 wins with percentage of 39.5%.

Amount of lost matches:

  • 2-0 - 17 losses with 73.9% as a loss percentage;
  • 2-1 - 6 losses with a percentage of 26.1%.

✅Thiago Agustin Tirante and Facundo Bagnis will be a highly anticipated tennis match in the near future. All of this data is available to you so that you can draw a conclusion about what outcome to choose. We wish you the best of luck with your bets.

Bet on Match Thiago Agustin Tirante vs Facundo Bagnis: Facundo Bagnis Win

Odds: 1.73*
*The odds are relevant at the time of publication of the prediction (5 May 2024, 21:28)

Betting Tips: Thiago Agustin Tirante - Facundo Bagnis

Results predictions

Single series
bagnis-facundoFacundo Bagnis has won in 7 of the last 8 matches.
Facundo Bagnis Win
bagnis-facundoFacundo Bagnis wins with +0.5 game handicap in 7 of the last 8 matches.
Facundo Bagnis Handicap(+0.5)

Over/Under predictions

Single series
tirante-thiago-agustinThere have been under 2.5 sets in 11 of the last 12 Thiago Agustin Tirante games.
Sets Total Under(2.5)
tirante-thiago-agustinThere have been under 23.5 games in 11 of the last 12 Thiago Agustin Tirante games.
Total Under(23.5)
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