Red clay
Qualifying Round 1
Vera Zvonareva
WTA - 267
WTA - 81

Zvonareva vs Krueger Prediction 18 May 2024

Vera Zvonareva
Ashlyn Krueger

Match Preview

🔊Vera Zvonareva - Ashlyn Krueger , 18 May, WTA Strasbourg. As part of WTA Strasbourg, Vera Zvonareva will meet Ashlyn Krueger on 18 May. Examine the prediction that we have laid out for you so that you can get a better idea of which player has a better chance of coming out on top in this upcoming match.

Personal meetings of the opponents

❓These tennis players won't have competed against one another before. As a result, we strongly suggest that you acquire a comprehensive understanding of the individual results of the players Vera Zvonareva and Ashlyn Krueger . The fact that there is no background to this confrontation adds to the drama and intrigue of the event.

Vera Zvonareva: statistics of the last 10 matches

🎾This player's past 10 matches finished in 2 victories and 7 defeats. The player won the first set 2 times, whereas 7 times his opponent was triumphant.

📈The statistics for games show 18.4 played in the last 10 matches with 8.5 wins and 3.9 calculated by the number of first games won thus far.

📊Don't overlook the amount of 2-0 and 2-1 victories and defeats in the past 10 matches.

The number of winning matches: 2-0 - 2 matches with a win percentage of 100%; 2-1 - 0 wins with 0% as a win percentage.

The number of lost matches: 2-0 - 4 matches with a lost percentage of 57.1%; 2-1 - 3 matches with a 42.9% lost percentage.

Vera Zvonareva: statistics for 365 days

🎾The player's statistics for 365 days:

Over the past 365 days, the player played 27 matches. The number of wins was 12 while the number of losses amounted to 14. The percentage of wins is 44.4%. In the first set, they managed to win 9 times but lost 17 times and the percentage of wins is 34.6%.

📈The amount of games played over the past 27 matches is 21.5. Winning an average of 10.5 games and 4.6 in the first game.

📊An interesting statistic is the amount of 2-0 and 2-1 triumphs and losses over the previous 365 days.

Amount of winning matches: 2-0 - 6 wins with a win percentage of 50%; 2-1 - 6 wins with percentage of 50%.

Amount of lost matches: 2-0 - 10 losses with 71.4% as a loss percentage; 2-1 - 4 losses with a loss percentage of 28.6%.

Ashlyn Krueger : statistics of the last 10 matches

This player's past 10 matches finished in 5 victories and 5 defeats. The player won the first set 6 times, whereas 4 times his opponent was triumphant.

The statistics for games show 20.9 played in the last 10 matches with 10.5 wins and 5.3 calculated by the number of first games won thus far.

Don't overlook the amount of 2-0 and 2-1 victories and defeats in the past 10 matches.

The number of winning matches: 2-0 - 4 matches with a win percentage of 80%; 2-1 - 1 wins with 20% as a win percentage.

The number of lost matches: 2-0 - 3 matches with a lost percentage of 60%; 2-1 - 2 matches with a 40% lost percentage.

Ashlyn Krueger : statistics for 365 days

The player’s form over 365 days:

This player played 61 matches over the past 365 days. The stats show 34 wins, 27 losses and the win percentage is 55.7%. The wins in the first set is 36 times and lost it 25 times with a win percentage of 59%.

The number of games played over the past 61 matches is 22.1 games with 5.3 wins in the first game alone.

Number of winning matches: 2-0 - 23 wins with a win percentage of 67.6; 2-1 - 11 wins with percentage of 32.4%.

Amount of lost matches: 2-0 - 17 losses with 63% as a loss percentage; 2-1 - 10 losses with a percentage of 37%.

Bet on Match Vera Zvonareva vs Ashlyn Krueger : Total Over(19)

Odds: 1.78

Betting Tips: Vera Zvonareva - Ashlyn Krueger

Over/Under predictions

There have been under 23.5 games in 9 of the last 10 Ashlyn Krueger games.
Total Under(23.5)
Ashlyn Krueger wins under 12.5 games in 7 of the last 8 matches.
Ashlyn Krueger Total Under(12.5)
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